The island is called Pulau Berhala. Area is approximately 60 hectares. Although relatively small, the island located near the Strait of Idols that have natural beauty that is no less dynamic than the beauty of the islands other attractions in the country.
With white sand, decorated with giant granite boulders and palm trees, island idol is believed to be capable of becoming the leading tourist destination for Jambi Province, besides the beauty of nature tourism in Kerinci district. Natural beauty even more beautiful, because several hundred meters around, there are several small islands, such as Turtle Island, Island Lights, and Island Decent.
Called Turtle Island, because the coast of the island with an area of about five hectares that is home bertelurnya turtle-turtle at sea around the Strait of Idolatry and the South China Sea.
While right in front of the north Island Lighting Island idol there. So called because the island area of two hectares of sandstone standing lighthouse light tower that became a benchmark for the fishermen and the big ships passing around the Strait of Idolatry.
Apart from enjoying the beauty of the beach, you can enjoy the historical sights related with the former leaders of Jambi. Just at the top of the hill there is a tomb Island Idolatry Idolatry Datuk Paduko. According to some ancient literature Malays, Datuk Paduko Idolatry is the ancestral kings of Jambi. Because that's tomb, then the island is known by the name of the island of Idolatry.
Still above the generally rocky hill, not far east of the Mausoleum Datuk Paduko idol, you can enjoy the beauty of nature in most of the island idol. Including the beauty of the small islands surrounding the island idol.
Tired of the high seas enjoy the scenery, which every moment passed big ships from the Straits of Idolatry, you can also see that there are a number of historical relics on the island of Idolatry.
Relics that include an ancient cannon made of pure copper. Cannon embedded in the rock that leads straight barrel eastwards Berhala Island. It is estimated, the cannon was used Jambi kings long ago to fight the colonizers.
Tired around the beach or see the beauty in the top idol, you can bathe crystal clear sea water and away from pollution. You can swim here heart's content without any interference.
When you're satisfied to enjoy the beauty of nature and swim at the beach, you do not miss a special night on the island. Because, when night comes, you can enjoy grilled fish feast. The fish can be bought from the public. However, it also can be obtained by fishing alone on the wooden pier was built jutting out to sea.
Some kind of first class fish and meat delicious famous, among other bambang fish and groupers. These fish are easily obtained, though only with fishing.
Difficult to reach
Unfortunately, this beautiful tourist island idol has not been taken properly. It is recognized Regent East Tanjungjabung Abdullah Hich. He admits, on the island of natural beauty idol like a virgin seclusion. Because, elegance and beauty is still untouched clever hands.
However, the current constraint is for marine transportation routes to the Island Eastern Tanjungjabung idol yet exist. Even if there is only chartered with the cost ranging from Rp1 million to Rp750 thousand one speed boat.
The expensive cost due to sail the sea to the island idol, according to fishermen in Nipahpanjang, many risks. In addition to the unfriendly nature of risk, which for this herd of pirates roam the waters of the east coast of Sumatra, the shipmaster's scary.
In fact, actual distance of this island when the pull of the straight line drawn from the city of Jambi, a relatively short overland to the Duck River or Nipahpanjang District.
Currently, using the land route through the City of Suak Kandis, and followed up speed boat, a long trip to the island idol only spent about five hours.
If the road construction plan of the City District Sadu Suakkandis to be realized, a long trip from Jambi City to the Island idol could be shortened to about 2.5 hours. According to Abdullah, mileage is the ideal way to lure tourists to the island of Idolatry.
Actually, as stated Chairman Idols Community Groups Unite Pandak Ali, to reach the island idol, it is not difficult. By using a small motor boat, - with a note, no big waves - from the center Nipahpanjang District, Eastern District Tanjungjabung, only take about one and a half hours.
If starting from the edge of the village Sungaiitik, District Sadu, - still in the area of District East Tanjungjabung, travel time to the Island Idols are getting shorter. Moreover, using a speed boat, can be taken even less an hour.
That is, a long journey to the Island idol, from the city of Jambi, the capital of Jambi province, with road conditions that have not been so good, just spent about four hours.
If the construction of bridges and construction of new roads from Suakkandis, Muarojambi District to District Sadu, District East Tanjungjabung completed, to the island can be taken approximately 2.5 hours from the central city of Jambi.
According to Datuk Bahrum, the first generation who inhabited the island of Idolatry, Idolatry in fact already known tourist island. Because the island has a population of only 30 families, often visited the crew of ships passing in the Strait of Idolatry to rest, spend the night, as well as to obtain clean water.
The island was formerly known as the Ghost Island designation. Myth is frightening for the sailors and fishermen who want to stop or pass in there. However, there is also a mention that the island is called Pulau Dakjal. Named it, because the number of ships and fishing boats often had an accident while passing over there.
However, according Bahrum, the myth it is actually not true. Even if some accident occurred around Berhala Island, said Bahrum natural and human caused factors. He said, in September and December, the ocean waves on the island is very big.
In addition, some waters around Pulau Berhala numerous pitfalls and granite rocks that partially protruding into the sea. So if the ebb tide, in and out of the island should be extra careful. But do not worry, the locals will be happy to guide visitors through the rock barrier-free path.
But local residents have not felt confident acceleration of the development area Berhala island into a tourist destination can be realized. Because, although more oblique entrance area of Jambi, which claims the island there is into the Riau Islands.sumber
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