Thursday, August 26, 2010
Kerinci Seblat National Park
Kerinci Seblat National Park is the largest national park in Sumatra, Indonesia, which has an area of 13.750 km ² and extends to the four provinces of West Sumatra, Jambi, Bengkulu and South Sumatra. This national park is located at coordinates of 100 ° 31'18 "E - 102 ° 44'01" E and 1 ° 07'13 "S - 1 ° 26'14" S.
This national park consists of the Bukit Barisan Mountains which has the highest plateau region in Sumatra, Gunung Kerinci (3805 m). This national park also consists of springs, hot springs, rushing rivers homage, caves, waterfalls, waterfalls and the highest caldera lake in Southeast Asia, Mount Seven.
This national park also has various flora and fauna. Some 4,000 species of plants grow in the area of national parks including the world's largest flower Rafflesia arnoldi, and the world's tallest flower, the Titan Arum. Fauna in the national park area consists, among others, the Sumatran Tiger, Sumatran Rhinoceros, Sumatran Elephant, Tiger Dahan, Malays Tapir, Malayan Sun Bear and about 370 species of birds. sumber
Pulau Berhala

The island is called Pulau Berhala. Area is approximately 60 hectares. Although relatively small, the island located near the Strait of Idols that have natural beauty that is no less dynamic than the beauty of the islands other attractions in the country.
With white sand, decorated with giant granite boulders and palm trees, island idol is believed to be capable of becoming the leading tourist destination for Jambi Province, besides the beauty of nature tourism in Kerinci district. Natural beauty even more beautiful, because several hundred meters around, there are several small islands, such as Turtle Island, Island Lights, and Island Decent.
Called Turtle Island, because the coast of the island with an area of about five hectares that is home bertelurnya turtle-turtle at sea around the Strait of Idolatry and the South China Sea.
While right in front of the north Island Lighting Island idol there. So called because the island area of two hectares of sandstone standing lighthouse light tower that became a benchmark for the fishermen and the big ships passing around the Strait of Idolatry.
Apart from enjoying the beauty of the beach, you can enjoy the historical sights related with the former leaders of Jambi. Just at the top of the hill there is a tomb Island Idolatry Idolatry Datuk Paduko. According to some ancient literature Malays, Datuk Paduko Idolatry is the ancestral kings of Jambi. Because that's tomb, then the island is known by the name of the island of Idolatry.
Still above the generally rocky hill, not far east of the Mausoleum Datuk Paduko idol, you can enjoy the beauty of nature in most of the island idol. Including the beauty of the small islands surrounding the island idol.
Tired of the high seas enjoy the scenery, which every moment passed big ships from the Straits of Idolatry, you can also see that there are a number of historical relics on the island of Idolatry.
Relics that include an ancient cannon made of pure copper. Cannon embedded in the rock that leads straight barrel eastwards Berhala Island. It is estimated, the cannon was used Jambi kings long ago to fight the colonizers.
Tired around the beach or see the beauty in the top idol, you can bathe crystal clear sea water and away from pollution. You can swim here heart's content without any interference.
When you're satisfied to enjoy the beauty of nature and swim at the beach, you do not miss a special night on the island. Because, when night comes, you can enjoy grilled fish feast. The fish can be bought from the public. However, it also can be obtained by fishing alone on the wooden pier was built jutting out to sea.
Some kind of first class fish and meat delicious famous, among other bambang fish and groupers. These fish are easily obtained, though only with fishing.
Difficult to reach
Unfortunately, this beautiful tourist island idol has not been taken properly. It is recognized Regent East Tanjungjabung Abdullah Hich. He admits, on the island of natural beauty idol like a virgin seclusion. Because, elegance and beauty is still untouched clever hands.
However, the current constraint is for marine transportation routes to the Island Eastern Tanjungjabung idol yet exist. Even if there is only chartered with the cost ranging from Rp1 million to Rp750 thousand one speed boat.
The expensive cost due to sail the sea to the island idol, according to fishermen in Nipahpanjang, many risks. In addition to the unfriendly nature of risk, which for this herd of pirates roam the waters of the east coast of Sumatra, the shipmaster's scary.
In fact, actual distance of this island when the pull of the straight line drawn from the city of Jambi, a relatively short overland to the Duck River or Nipahpanjang District.
Currently, using the land route through the City of Suak Kandis, and followed up speed boat, a long trip to the island idol only spent about five hours.
If the road construction plan of the City District Sadu Suakkandis to be realized, a long trip from Jambi City to the Island idol could be shortened to about 2.5 hours. According to Abdullah, mileage is the ideal way to lure tourists to the island of Idolatry.
Actually, as stated Chairman Idols Community Groups Unite Pandak Ali, to reach the island idol, it is not difficult. By using a small motor boat, - with a note, no big waves - from the center Nipahpanjang District, Eastern District Tanjungjabung, only take about one and a half hours.
If starting from the edge of the village Sungaiitik, District Sadu, - still in the area of District East Tanjungjabung, travel time to the Island Idols are getting shorter. Moreover, using a speed boat, can be taken even less an hour.
That is, a long journey to the Island idol, from the city of Jambi, the capital of Jambi province, with road conditions that have not been so good, just spent about four hours.
If the construction of bridges and construction of new roads from Suakkandis, Muarojambi District to District Sadu, District East Tanjungjabung completed, to the island can be taken approximately 2.5 hours from the central city of Jambi.
According to Datuk Bahrum, the first generation who inhabited the island of Idolatry, Idolatry in fact already known tourist island. Because the island has a population of only 30 families, often visited the crew of ships passing in the Strait of Idolatry to rest, spend the night, as well as to obtain clean water.
The island was formerly known as the Ghost Island designation. Myth is frightening for the sailors and fishermen who want to stop or pass in there. However, there is also a mention that the island is called Pulau Dakjal. Named it, because the number of ships and fishing boats often had an accident while passing over there.
However, according Bahrum, the myth it is actually not true. Even if some accident occurred around Berhala Island, said Bahrum natural and human caused factors. He said, in September and December, the ocean waves on the island is very big.
In addition, some waters around Pulau Berhala numerous pitfalls and granite rocks that partially protruding into the sea. So if the ebb tide, in and out of the island should be extra careful. But do not worry, the locals will be happy to guide visitors through the rock barrier-free path.
But local residents have not felt confident acceleration of the development area Berhala island into a tourist destination can be realized. Because, although more oblique entrance area of Jambi, which claims the island there is into the Riau Islands.sumber
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tea plantation
Tea plantation was founded between the years 1925 to 1928 by a Dutch company named Namblodse Venotschaaf Handle Vereniging Amsterdam (NV HVA). Tea Plantation is listed as the oldest tea plantation in Indonesia.
Tea plantation area of 3020 hectares of Kayu Aro is one of the tea plantations in the widest expanse of the World and located at an altitude of 1400-1600 meters above sea level which is the second highest tea plantations in the World after Darjeling tea plantation at the foot of the Himalayas (4000 m asl).Amid the aroma Pecco plantations which there is a garden with a pond on the Dutch colonial era before the pond is a reservoir of water for tea plantations.This park is located 50 m from the main road and is located in Village Eight beds, and can be reached from River City full after traveling as far as ± 32 km.
Talang Lake

Talang Lake located in the waist area of Mount Talang 1950 mx 1050 m with a depth of 88m, height of 1674 m above sea level (asl), there is also a Small Lake area of 400 mx 100 m altitude m.Selain 1707, at the Bukit Kili There are also hot springs at the foot of the volcano. Those places have not been developed for tourism.
Twin Lakes
Called the Twin Lakes Area, because the two lakes, namely Lake Above and Below Lake is located adjacent the distance is only about 300 meters. This area used to be known more as a tourist attraction because it is located on the edge of the road the Padang-Muaralabuh-Kerinci.
Above the lake with an area of 17.20 square meters, length 6.25 km and width 2.75 km, surface water is located at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level (asl). The lake is quite shallow, with the deepest part is only 44 meters.
While the water level is at an altitude of Lake Below 1566 masl. This means that the water surface level with the bottom of the water of Lake Above. However, the lake has an area of 16.90 square meters, length 5.62 km and 3.00 km wide is very deep, which is 886 meters. sumber
Rafting Merangin
LOCATION Rafting in Merangin starts from Air Batu Village (Markeh) approximately 15 kilometers from the city and ends at the Village Bangko Biuku Cape.
Track Merangin Rafting is about 9 Kilometers with third grade specifications that require special skills from Rafter.
Along the river can be enjoyed panoramic views of tropical forests and unique rock.
Planned for each year will be held regularly Nasonal Rafting Championships in Batang this Merangin which also involves Rafter from abroad
Monday, August 23, 2010
Jambi is a province of Indonesia, located on the east coast in the central part of Sumatra Island. Jambi is also the name of a town in the province, which is the provincial capital city. Jambi is one of three provinces in Indonesia's capital city of the same name with the name of his province, in addition to Bengkulu and Gorontalo. Jambi is a nation where Malays berasalnya from Malay Kingdom in Jambi, Batang Hari. Bahasa Melayu Jambi, Palembang and Malays as Malays Bengkulu, namely berdialek "o".
The population of the province of Jambi is 2.40094 million inhabitants according to 2000 census.
Jambi Province is geographically located between latitude 0.45 ° North, 2.45 ° South Latitude and between 101.10 ° -104.55 ° east longitude. To the north borders with Riau province, east of the Strait of Idolatry, the south by the Province of South Sumatra and the west by the Province of West Sumatra. A strategic geographical conditions among other cities in the province surrounding the province is making quite an important role even more so with the support of the abundant natural resources. Needs of industry and society in the towns around it supported the supply of raw materials and material needs of this province.
Jambi Area 53 435 km2 with a population of Jambi province in 2006 amounted to 2,683,289 inhabitants (data from the BPS survey Projection Jambi Province. Jambi Province Population in 2005 amounted to 2,657,536, SUSENAS data) or 50.22 inhabitants of low density / km2. Population growth rate was 0.96% with GDP per capita Rp9.523.752, 2000 (Preliminary figures from BPS jambi. For the year 2005, GDP per capita amounted to Rp8.462.353). The remaining 46.88% of the total workforce of Jambi Province works on agriculture, horticulture and fisheries; 21.58% in trading sector, and 12.58% in the service sector. With the conditions of employment that most people in this province depends on agriculture, plantation so as to make efforts to regional and national governments for the welfare of society is through the development of agriculture sector
The people of Jambi is a heterogeneous society composed of the indigenous people of Jambi, some are immigrants who came from Minangkabau, Batak, Javanese, Sundanese, Chinese and Indians. Most of the people of Jambi converted to Islam at 90%, while the rest are Christians, Hindus and Buddhists.
Level of welfare of the population that is reflected through the Human Development Index (HDI) was recorded at 71.2 (BPS 2005). While the unemployment rate amounted to 92 772 Jambi province, equivalent to 7.8% of the population of Jambi province (data SAKERNAS February).
With the air temperature ranged from 23 ° C to 31 ° C and a total area of 53.435 km2 of approximately 60% of land is an area of plantation and forestry sectors that make this region is one of the producers of primary products and forestry plantations in Sumatra. Oil palm and rubber plantations of prima donna with a plantation area reached 400 168 hectares of oil palm and rubber reached 595 473 hectares. Meanwhile, the value of palm oil production sebesari 898.24 thousand tons per year. Other plantation crops are rubber, with a total production of 240.146 thousand tonnes per year, oil in (virgin coconut), 119.34 thousand tons per year, casiavera 69.65 thousand tons per year, and 5.6 thousand tons of tea per year. While production of the agricultural sector generated by the region of the western part of Jambi province Kerinci rice, potatoes, cauliflower / cabbage, tomato and soybean.
Potential natural wealth in the province of Jambi are crude oil, natural gas, coal, and tin. Total petroleum potential of Jambi province reached 1270.96 million m3 and 3572.44 billion m3 of gas. Region's major oil reserves Acid Recognize the structure, outside the city of Jambi District, District Batanghari with total 408.99 million barrels of oil reserves. While the major gas reserves in the structure Bulian Muara, Muara District Bulian Muara Jambi 2185.73 billion m3 of reserves.
Economic Potential:
1. Petroleum:
Jambi province's oil reserves amounted to 1270.96 million m3. Petroleum reserves, among others, is available at the Cape Regency East Jabung, structure Recognize Acid, Jambi District outside the city, and district Batanghari. 2. Natural Gas:
Jambi gas reserves amounted to 3572.44 billion m3. The reserves are mostly found in the structure of Muara Bulian Bulian Muara District, Muara Jambi 2185.73 billion m3 of reserves. 3. Coal:
Jambi coal reserves amounting to 18 million tonnes, which is a calorie-class coal is suitable for use as power plant. Largest reserves are found in the district of Muara Bungo. 4. Plantation
Very dominant commodities are rubber and oil palm. This program is supported by the Government of Jambi Province derah namely "Development of A Million Hectares for Palm" and "Rubber replanting." In addition, casiavera also many cultivated mainly in the area of Kerinci.
The population of the province of Jambi is 2.40094 million inhabitants according to 2000 census.
Jambi Province is geographically located between latitude 0.45 ° North, 2.45 ° South Latitude and between 101.10 ° -104.55 ° east longitude. To the north borders with Riau province, east of the Strait of Idolatry, the south by the Province of South Sumatra and the west by the Province of West Sumatra. A strategic geographical conditions among other cities in the province surrounding the province is making quite an important role even more so with the support of the abundant natural resources. Needs of industry and society in the towns around it supported the supply of raw materials and material needs of this province.
Jambi Area 53 435 km2 with a population of Jambi province in 2006 amounted to 2,683,289 inhabitants (data from the BPS survey Projection Jambi Province. Jambi Province Population in 2005 amounted to 2,657,536, SUSENAS data) or 50.22 inhabitants of low density / km2. Population growth rate was 0.96% with GDP per capita Rp9.523.752, 2000 (Preliminary figures from BPS jambi. For the year 2005, GDP per capita amounted to Rp8.462.353). The remaining 46.88% of the total workforce of Jambi Province works on agriculture, horticulture and fisheries; 21.58% in trading sector, and 12.58% in the service sector. With the conditions of employment that most people in this province depends on agriculture, plantation so as to make efforts to regional and national governments for the welfare of society is through the development of agriculture sector
The people of Jambi is a heterogeneous society composed of the indigenous people of Jambi, some are immigrants who came from Minangkabau, Batak, Javanese, Sundanese, Chinese and Indians. Most of the people of Jambi converted to Islam at 90%, while the rest are Christians, Hindus and Buddhists.
Level of welfare of the population that is reflected through the Human Development Index (HDI) was recorded at 71.2 (BPS 2005). While the unemployment rate amounted to 92 772 Jambi province, equivalent to 7.8% of the population of Jambi province (data SAKERNAS February).
With the air temperature ranged from 23 ° C to 31 ° C and a total area of 53.435 km2 of approximately 60% of land is an area of plantation and forestry sectors that make this region is one of the producers of primary products and forestry plantations in Sumatra. Oil palm and rubber plantations of prima donna with a plantation area reached 400 168 hectares of oil palm and rubber reached 595 473 hectares. Meanwhile, the value of palm oil production sebesari 898.24 thousand tons per year. Other plantation crops are rubber, with a total production of 240.146 thousand tonnes per year, oil in (virgin coconut), 119.34 thousand tons per year, casiavera 69.65 thousand tons per year, and 5.6 thousand tons of tea per year. While production of the agricultural sector generated by the region of the western part of Jambi province Kerinci rice, potatoes, cauliflower / cabbage, tomato and soybean.
Potential natural wealth in the province of Jambi are crude oil, natural gas, coal, and tin. Total petroleum potential of Jambi province reached 1270.96 million m3 and 3572.44 billion m3 of gas. Region's major oil reserves Acid Recognize the structure, outside the city of Jambi District, District Batanghari with total 408.99 million barrels of oil reserves. While the major gas reserves in the structure Bulian Muara, Muara District Bulian Muara Jambi 2185.73 billion m3 of reserves.
Economic Potential:
1. Petroleum:
Jambi province's oil reserves amounted to 1270.96 million m3. Petroleum reserves, among others, is available at the Cape Regency East Jabung, structure Recognize Acid, Jambi District outside the city, and district Batanghari. 2. Natural Gas:
Jambi gas reserves amounted to 3572.44 billion m3. The reserves are mostly found in the structure of Muara Bulian Bulian Muara District, Muara Jambi 2185.73 billion m3 of reserves. 3. Coal:
Jambi coal reserves amounting to 18 million tonnes, which is a calorie-class coal is suitable for use as power plant. Largest reserves are found in the district of Muara Bungo. 4. Plantation
Very dominant commodities are rubber and oil palm. This program is supported by the Government of Jambi Province derah namely "Development of A Million Hectares for Palm" and "Rubber replanting." In addition, casiavera also many cultivated mainly in the area of Kerinci.
Musi River
Musi River is a river located in South Sumatra province, Indonesia. With a length of 750 km, this river is the longest on the island of Sumatra and Palembang split into two parts. The bridge shall become the icon of Palembang was passed over this river. Since the era of Sriwijaya until now, the river is famous as the main transportation means for the community.
On the banks of the Musi River and there Seaport Museum of New Boom airfare II.Geography
Musi River, Palembang split into two areas: in northern Seberang Ilir and Seberang Ulu in the south. Musi River, along with other rivers, forming a delta near the town of Breech.Musi River Bridge as a backdrop Ampera
Water rises in the eye area Kepahiang, Bengkulu. Musi River Batanghari also called Nine which means nine major rivers, the definition of nine major rivers are the Musi River, with eight large river which empties into the river Musi. As for the eight rivers are:
1. Komering River
2. Rawas River
3. Leko River
4. Lakitan River
5. Kelingi River
6. Lematang River
7. Semangus River
8. Ogan River
Covering 3 million ha of land in watersheds (DAS) Musi considered critical due to rampant illegal logging. These conditions may trigger flash floods and landslides.
Batanghari River
If you are visiting the city of Jambi in Jambi province, then it's not impressive if it did not enjoy the beauty Batanghari River, the longest river in Sumatra. With a length of 3322 km which tipped in West Sumatra, and downstream in the estuary of the eastern coast of the Eastern District of Tanjung Jabung (Tanjabtim) Jambi province, turned out to save the River Batanghari attractive tourism potential.
Batanghari River keeps its historical value. As shipping and trade center in the era of Sriwijaya and Malays, then Batanghari River provide great benefits to society in those days until today.
The traders then derived from the Arabic as well as China, other than using this Batanghari River as a transportation and trade, they also make the river flow Batanghari as a resting place. Traders said trading was also spread the religion of Islam and Buddhism in Jambi.
As transportation routes, the results of agricultural and plantation communities in Jambi upstream as Bungo, Tebo, Merangin, Sarolangun, Batanghari, and transported to the city of Jambi Muarajambi even rubber exports to Singapore using river transportation routes.
All around this river there is also a dwelling unit by the original inhabitants of Jambi, and to go to the housing complex Batanghari River, you can use a small boat called a Paddle.
With great potential, as the longest river in Sumatra Island, has a historical record of Sriwijaya and Malays, the number of natural potential that could be developed along the banks of the river, then this Batanghari River can be developed to tourism that contributes to regional income and welfare society living along the riverbanks.
Batanghari River keeps its historical value. As shipping and trade center in the era of Sriwijaya and Malays, then Batanghari River provide great benefits to society in those days until today.
The traders then derived from the Arabic as well as China, other than using this Batanghari River as a transportation and trade, they also make the river flow Batanghari as a resting place. Traders said trading was also spread the religion of Islam and Buddhism in Jambi.
As transportation routes, the results of agricultural and plantation communities in Jambi upstream as Bungo, Tebo, Merangin, Sarolangun, Batanghari, and transported to the city of Jambi Muarajambi even rubber exports to Singapore using river transportation routes.
All around this river there is also a dwelling unit by the original inhabitants of Jambi, and to go to the housing complex Batanghari River, you can use a small boat called a Paddle.
With great potential, as the longest river in Sumatra Island, has a historical record of Sriwijaya and Malays, the number of natural potential that could be developed along the banks of the river, then this Batanghari River can be developed to tourism that contributes to regional income and welfare society living along the riverbanks.
Putri Kembang Dadar
Putri Kembang Dadar stories about People's is a legendary story, is still often in the offense.Even now the local government has made a named Princess Cruise Ship Tourism Kembang Dadar as in the River Musi.
Even the location of the Tomb of the kings and their families in the Mount Siguntang been exploited as a tourist attraction.
This area is located above 27 meters from sea level right in the village of Bukit long. This place still remains sacred because there are several graves here are: 1. King of The Nature trepidation 2. Putri Kembang Dadar 3. Princess Hair Selako 4. Commander of the Great Yellow 5. Commander of the Great Reef 6. Commander Sir Lord 7. Commander King Stone Fire 8. Jago Commander Lawang Based on the findings in 1929 in the vicinity of this hill was found a statue (statue) Amarawati Buddhist art style that Sri Lanka faces comes from the XI century AD which is now placed in the Page Museum airfare II. Tips can see the city panorama from the heights of Mount Siguntang Palembang by taking public transportation department Bukit Besar.
Even the location of the Tomb of the kings and their families in the Mount Siguntang been exploited as a tourist attraction.
This area is located above 27 meters from sea level right in the village of Bukit long. This place still remains sacred because there are several graves here are: 1. King of The Nature trepidation 2. Putri Kembang Dadar 3. Princess Hair Selako 4. Commander of the Great Yellow 5. Commander of the Great Reef 6. Commander Sir Lord 7. Commander King Stone Fire 8. Jago Commander Lawang Based on the findings in 1929 in the vicinity of this hill was found a statue (statue) Amarawati Buddhist art style that Sri Lanka faces comes from the XI century AD which is now placed in the Page Museum airfare II. Tips can see the city panorama from the heights of Mount Siguntang Palembang by taking public transportation department Bukit Besar.
Masjid Agung Palembang
Masjid Agung Palembang was originally called Masjid Sultan and built in the year 1738 by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I Jayo Wikramo. This mosque dedication took place on 28 Jumada Beginning in 1151 H (May 26, 1748). The size of the mosque building the first time originally built 1080 square meter area with the capacity Congregation in 1200. The first expansion was done by charitable Sayid Umar bin Muhammad Assegaf Altoha and Sayid Ahmad bin Syech Sahab conducted in 1897 under the leadership of Prince Ibn Mustafa Karta Nataagama Mangala Raden Kamaluddin.
At the beginning of construction (1738-1748), as mosques elderly in Indonesia, the Sultan Mosque was not initially have tower. Later in the reign of Sultan Ahmad Najamudin (1758-1774) then built a tower that is located slightly apart in the west. Form of the tower as the tower building tipped temples with curved roof forms. On the outside of the body of the tower there is a fenced patio that surrounds body parts. Form of the mosque which is now known as the Great Mosque, not much different as we see now. Form This now has been amended many times revamp and expansion. At first the repairs carried out by government Netherlands after a major war in 1819 and 1821. After improvement then do the addition / expansion in 1893, 1916, 1950s, 1970s, and the last on 1990s. In the renovation and construction work in The 1970s by Pertamina, is also to build a tower thus reached its present form. Original tower with Chinese-style roof was not torn down.
Expanding the second time in 1930. conducted again in 1952 expansion by the Foundation of the Great Mosque built in the year 1966-1969 additional second floor so that the vast mosque until now 5520 square meters with a capacity of 7750. The Great Mosque is the oldest and most important mosques in history of Palembang. The mosque is around 259-year-old located in The Village 19 Ilir, West Ilir District I, right at the junction between Jalan Merdeka and Jalan Sudirman, the center Palembang city. Not far from there, there is a bridge shall. Mosque and the bridge has become a land mark the city until now.
In history, the mosque is located in the center of the kingdom Islamic studies center that gave birth to a number of scholars important in his day. Sheikh Abdus Samad al-Palembani, Boxed Fachruddin, and Syihabuddin bin Abdullah is a few scholars involved in the mosque and has an important role praxis and discourse in Islam.
Note the source:
At the beginning of construction (1738-1748), as mosques elderly in Indonesia, the Sultan Mosque was not initially have tower. Later in the reign of Sultan Ahmad Najamudin (1758-1774) then built a tower that is located slightly apart in the west. Form of the tower as the tower building tipped temples with curved roof forms. On the outside of the body of the tower there is a fenced patio that surrounds body parts. Form of the mosque which is now known as the Great Mosque, not much different as we see now. Form This now has been amended many times revamp and expansion. At first the repairs carried out by government Netherlands after a major war in 1819 and 1821. After improvement then do the addition / expansion in 1893, 1916, 1950s, 1970s, and the last on 1990s. In the renovation and construction work in The 1970s by Pertamina, is also to build a tower thus reached its present form. Original tower with Chinese-style roof was not torn down.
Expanding the second time in 1930. conducted again in 1952 expansion by the Foundation of the Great Mosque built in the year 1966-1969 additional second floor so that the vast mosque until now 5520 square meters with a capacity of 7750. The Great Mosque is the oldest and most important mosques in history of Palembang. The mosque is around 259-year-old located in The Village 19 Ilir, West Ilir District I, right at the junction between Jalan Merdeka and Jalan Sudirman, the center Palembang city. Not far from there, there is a bridge shall. Mosque and the bridge has become a land mark the city until now.
In history, the mosque is located in the center of the kingdom Islamic studies center that gave birth to a number of scholars important in his day. Sheikh Abdus Samad al-Palembani, Boxed Fachruddin, and Syihabuddin bin Abdullah is a few scholars involved in the mosque and has an important role praxis and discourse in Islam.
Note the source:
Kuto Besak
Kuto Besak is building the XVIII century palace which became the center of the Sultanate of Palembang. The idea of establishing Fort Kuto initiated by the Great airfare I who reigned in the years 1724-1758 and the implementation of its development is completed by his successor Sultan Mahmud Bahauddin who reigned in the years 1776-1803. Sultan Mahmud Bahauddin is a character of Palembang Darussalam Sultanate realistic and practical in international trade and a clergy who make Palembang as a center for religious literature in the archipelago. Mark the sultan's role as he moves from palace to Kuto Besak Kuto Lamo. The Dutch called the Nieuwe Kuto Besak palace palace new alias.
This fort was built in 1780 with less architects who are not known with certainty and supervising the work entrusted to a hard. Adhesive cement limestone bricks used in the Ogan River hinterland with egg white added. The time that is used to build this Besak Kuto approximately 17 years. Officially occupied on Monday on 21 Feburari 1797.
In contrast to the position of the old palace located in the outback, the new palace stood in a very open position, strategic, and at the same time very beautiful. Position overlooking the River Musi.
At that time, the city of Palembang is still surrounded by the kids of the river which divides the area of the city into islands. Kuto Besak even though standing on the island because it is limited by Sekanak River in the west, Tengkuruk River in the east, and chalky River in the north.
Religious Tourism is currently occupied by the Regional Military Command (Commands) Sriwijaya.
Development and restructuring of the area around Plaza Religious Tourism is projected to be open entertainment venues that sell charm Musi and historic buildings. If viewed from the Seberang Ulu or bridge shall, overlooks the spacious yard with visible is the background of a row of palm trees in the yard Religious Tourism, and the water tower at the office of mayor of Palembang.
At night time, the atmosphere will be felt more dramatically. Light from a series of garden lamps create a yellow reflection on the river surface.
Palembang has a number of local government development plans to support the Plaza Religious Tourism as a tourist attraction.
This fort was built in 1780 with less architects who are not known with certainty and supervising the work entrusted to a hard. Adhesive cement limestone bricks used in the Ogan River hinterland with egg white added. The time that is used to build this Besak Kuto approximately 17 years. Officially occupied on Monday on 21 Feburari 1797.
In contrast to the position of the old palace located in the outback, the new palace stood in a very open position, strategic, and at the same time very beautiful. Position overlooking the River Musi.
At that time, the city of Palembang is still surrounded by the kids of the river which divides the area of the city into islands. Kuto Besak even though standing on the island because it is limited by Sekanak River in the west, Tengkuruk River in the east, and chalky River in the north.
Religious Tourism is currently occupied by the Regional Military Command (Commands) Sriwijaya.
Development and restructuring of the area around Plaza Religious Tourism is projected to be open entertainment venues that sell charm Musi and historic buildings. If viewed from the Seberang Ulu or bridge shall, overlooks the spacious yard with visible is the background of a row of palm trees in the yard Religious Tourism, and the water tower at the office of mayor of Palembang.
At night time, the atmosphere will be felt more dramatically. Light from a series of garden lamps create a yellow reflection on the river surface.
Palembang has a number of local government development plans to support the Plaza Religious Tourism as a tourist attraction.
cubadak island
South Coastal District of West Sumatra, has 27 islands that offer natural beauty of nautical tourism. One of the enchanting island of cubadak island, which has been known to the world.
To get to the island Cubadak, must use a boat tour around 15 minutes from the port Mandeh South Coastal District. Travel for 15 minutes, will not be boring because a lot of natural beauty that can be enjoyed from the ship.
The island offers the beauty of nautical tourism Cubadak a very fascinating and no less than any other tourist attraction. Sand beach on the island of white berwarnah with sea water is also very clean and quiet. In addition to enjoying the natural beauty of the island cubadak many activities that can be like swimming in the sea, diving and jet skiing. Waves of calm is also possible to play banana boat while swimming in the ocean.
In this island there are a number of lodgings that are designed natural and blend with nature. Visitors cubadak island most tourists coming from European countries. Manager cubadak island charging 150 dollars or about one million five hundred thousand rupiah a night for one person. Island with an area of 16 comma 5 hectares, is currently managed by Italian citizens during the 40-year contract system.
South Coastal district is ready to receive investors who are willing to invest in a number of islands and guaranteed a convenience.
Another tourist attraction that can be enjoyed, namely cultivation of groupers see who was not far from the island and the island rife cubadak which is the location of gibbon conservation. Nothing wrong on your weekend vacation with the family visit the island cubadak in the South Coast district.
To get to the island Cubadak, must use a boat tour around 15 minutes from the port Mandeh South Coastal District. Travel for 15 minutes, will not be boring because a lot of natural beauty that can be enjoyed from the ship.
The island offers the beauty of nautical tourism Cubadak a very fascinating and no less than any other tourist attraction. Sand beach on the island of white berwarnah with sea water is also very clean and quiet. In addition to enjoying the natural beauty of the island cubadak many activities that can be like swimming in the sea, diving and jet skiing. Waves of calm is also possible to play banana boat while swimming in the ocean.
In this island there are a number of lodgings that are designed natural and blend with nature. Visitors cubadak island most tourists coming from European countries. Manager cubadak island charging 150 dollars or about one million five hundred thousand rupiah a night for one person. Island with an area of 16 comma 5 hectares, is currently managed by Italian citizens during the 40-year contract system.
South Coastal district is ready to receive investors who are willing to invest in a number of islands and guaranteed a convenience.
Another tourist attraction that can be enjoyed, namely cultivation of groupers see who was not far from the island and the island rife cubadak which is the location of gibbon conservation. Nothing wrong on your weekend vacation with the family visit the island cubadak in the South Coast district.
Muara Jambi Temple
Archaeological Site Complex Muaro enshrinement enshrinement Jambi is a complex Hindu-Buddhist religion of the largest in Indonesia, which most likely is the heritage of the Sriwijaya Kingdom and the Kingdom of the Malays. Enshrinement complex is located in District Muaro bottle, Muaro Jambi, Jambi, Indonesia, precisely at the edge of the Batang Hari, approximately 26 kilometers east of Jambi city. Coordinates South 01 * 28'32 "East 103 * 40'04". Diperkirakakn temple from the 11th century AD Muaro Jambi Temple is temple complex of the largest and most well maintained on the island of Sumatra. Jambi Muaro enshrinement complex was first reported in 1823 by a British lieutenant named SC Crooke is mapping a watershed for military purposes. New year 1975, the Indonesian government began to do serious renovations which led R. Soekmono. Based on the ancient Javanese script [citation needed] on some plates are found, experts concluded the heritage epigraphy Boechari century ranged from 9-12 AD. On this site only nine buildings have been restored, [1] and all of which are patterned Buddhism. The nine temples are Kotomahligai Temple, Kedaton Gedong One, Two Gedong, Gumpung, High, Telago Rajo, Twin Rock, and Temple Astano.
Among the many inventions that exist, Junus Satrio Atmodjo conclude once more populated area and a place to meet various cultures. There are beads that came from Persia, China, and India. Mahayana Buddhism Tantrayana supposed to be a religion of the majority with the discovery of the plates that read "wajra" in a few temples that make up the mandala. Jambi Muaro enshrinement complex situated on the ancient natural levee Batanghari River. This site has a spacious 12 square miles, more than seven kilometers long and wide that extends for 260 hectares in the same direction with the river path. This site contains most of the 61 temples still a mound of dirt (menapo) unpeeled (diokupasi). [1] In this enshrinement complex of buildings there are also some Hindu influences.
Inside the complex there are not only temples but also found in ditches or man-made ancient canals, ponds where water and dirt penammpungan in which there is an ancient brick structure. In the complex there are at least 85 menapo fruit that is currently owned by local residents. In addition to the remains of buildings, the complex is also found statues prajnyaparamita, dwarapala, gajahsimha, umpak stone, mortar / mortar stone. Bronze gong with Chinese writing, Buddhist mantras, written on gold paper, foreign ceramics, pottery, big pots of bronze, Chinese coins, beads, bricks written, illustrated and marked, broken fragments of stone statues, precious stones and fragments iron and bronze. Apart from the temple complex is also found in a mound of soil (small mountain), which also man-made. By the small mountain community known as the Temple Mount or Mount Silver Sengalo.
Among the many inventions that exist, Junus Satrio Atmodjo conclude once more populated area and a place to meet various cultures. There are beads that came from Persia, China, and India. Mahayana Buddhism Tantrayana supposed to be a religion of the majority with the discovery of the plates that read "wajra" in a few temples that make up the mandala. Jambi Muaro enshrinement complex situated on the ancient natural levee Batanghari River. This site has a spacious 12 square miles, more than seven kilometers long and wide that extends for 260 hectares in the same direction with the river path. This site contains most of the 61 temples still a mound of dirt (menapo) unpeeled (diokupasi). [1] In this enshrinement complex of buildings there are also some Hindu influences.
Inside the complex there are not only temples but also found in ditches or man-made ancient canals, ponds where water and dirt penammpungan in which there is an ancient brick structure. In the complex there are at least 85 menapo fruit that is currently owned by local residents. In addition to the remains of buildings, the complex is also found statues prajnyaparamita, dwarapala, gajahsimha, umpak stone, mortar / mortar stone. Bronze gong with Chinese writing, Buddhist mantras, written on gold paper, foreign ceramics, pottery, big pots of bronze, Chinese coins, beads, bricks written, illustrated and marked, broken fragments of stone statues, precious stones and fragments iron and bronze. Apart from the temple complex is also found in a mound of soil (small mountain), which also man-made. By the small mountain community known as the Temple Mount or Mount Silver Sengalo.
Serelo Hill
Tourism objects Serelo Hill is located 20 km from south Sumatran town of Lahat. Locals call it the Mount Point, because a similar peak shape protruding index finger to the sky.Below this may be a complex to train and educate the elephant. Approximately 40 tails had been trained in this place, but only partially reliable for the visitors. You can also make photographs with the elephants. But do not forget to give gifts to the elephants, in the form of candy, nuts and so forth.
In some places below the hill, there are several places for camping or recreation. The scouts and young children often visit those places. A small river with clear water and not polluted, it can be refreshing anda.objek serelo hill tourism is very fit for weekend excursions with family.Indonesian tourist paradise
Pesisir Selatan
South Coastal District is one of 19 districts / cities in West Sumatra Province, with an area of 5749.89 km2. South Coastal District area located in the southern province SumatraBarat, stretching from north to south with a coastline length of 234 Km.Kabupaten South Coast, bordering the north of Padang, Solok regency east and the province of Jambi, a province south sebetah and next Bengkutu Indonesia.Penduduk Ocean west by the South Coastal District ...
Maninjau Lake
Maninjau Lake is a lake in the district of Tanjung Raya, Agam regency, West Sumatra province, Indonesia. The lake is located about 140 km north of Padang, West Sumatra's capital, 36 kilometers from Bukittinggi, 27 kilometers from Lubuk cone, Agam regency capital.
Maninjau which is a volcanic lake is located at a height of 461.50 meters above sea level. Size Maninjau approximately 99.5 km ² and has a maximum depth of 495 meters. Cekungannya formed by volcanic eruptions called Sitinjau (according to local legend), this can be seen from the form that resembles the hills around the lake like a wall. According to legend the Minang's Domain, Lake Maninjau existence is closely related to the story of Bujang Nine.
Maninjau lake is a source of water to the river named Rod Sri Antokan. In one part of the lake, which is upstream from Sri Antokan Batang Hydroelectric Maninjau there. The highest peak around Lake Maninjau diperbukitan known as Puncak Lawang. To be able to reach the lake from the direction of Bukittinggi Maninjau if it will pass through the winding road known as flexure 44 along approximately 10 km starting from morning till Ambun to the Model.
The lake was listed as the eleventh largest lake in Indonesia. Meanwhile, in West Sumatra, the second largest lake Maninjau is after the Lake Batur which has an area of 129.69 sq km located in two districts of Tanah Datar and Solok district. Around Lake Maninjau have tourist facilities, such as the Hotel (Maninjau Beach Resort, Pasir Panjang Permai) as well as lodging and restaurants.
Mount Talang
Mount Talang (Salasi or Sulasi other name) is a volcano located located in Solok regency, West Sumatra province, Indonesia.
Mount Talang is located about 9 km from the town of Solok Arosuka district capital, and about 40 km east of the city of Padang.
This type of stratovolcano mountain with an altitude of 2597 m, is one of the active volcano in West Sumatra, and one of the crater became a lake called Lake Talang. Mount Talang has been erupting since 1833 until the year 2007 [2].
There are four districts that residents living around the foot of this mountain, the district Gumanti Valley, Twin Lakes, Mount Talang, and Lembang Jaya. Total population in the four districts it reached 160 000 inhabitants, or one third of the total population of Solok district.
On April 11, 2005, Mount Talang erupted again. Followed by a rumble of earthquake and volcanic eruption that emits dust had lasted at least 42 times. In Aia Batumbuak, the location closest to the source of the eruption, raining ash reaches a radius of 5 km, while the thickness of dust on the road to reach 10 cm. On the south side of Mount Talang formed a new crater that emits smoke and brimstone raining volcanic dust. As many as 27,000 residents to be evacuated from the area.
Singgalang Mountain
Singgalang Mountain is a mountain located in the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia with an altitude of 2.877 meters.
From its shape, the mountain is very similar to Mount Merbabu in Central Java. This mountain is no longer active and has a lake at the peak of a former crater, is named Telaga Telaga Goddess. Mount Singgalang have a mountain forest area is very humid and has a lot of water content.
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