Monday, August 23, 2010


Jambi is a province of Indonesia, located on the east coast in the central part of Sumatra Island. Jambi is also the name of a town in the province, which is the provincial capital city. Jambi is one of three provinces in Indonesia's capital city of the same name with the name of his province, in addition to Bengkulu and Gorontalo. Jambi is a nation where Malays berasalnya from Malay Kingdom in Jambi, Batang Hari. Bahasa Melayu Jambi, Palembang and Malays as Malays Bengkulu, namely berdialek "o".
The population of the province of Jambi is 2.40094 million inhabitants according to 2000 census.
Jambi Province is geographically located between latitude 0.45 ° North, 2.45 ° South Latitude and between 101.10 ° -104.55 ° east longitude. To the north borders with Riau province, east of the Strait of Idolatry, the south by the Province of South Sumatra and the west by the Province of West Sumatra. A strategic geographical conditions among other cities in the province surrounding the province is making quite an important role even more so with the support of the abundant natural resources. Needs of industry and society in the towns around it supported the supply of raw materials and material needs of this province.
Jambi Area 53 435 km2 with a population of Jambi province in 2006 amounted to 2,683,289 inhabitants (data from the BPS survey Projection Jambi Province. Jambi Province Population in 2005 amounted to 2,657,536, SUSENAS data) or 50.22 inhabitants of low density / km2. Population growth rate was 0.96% with GDP per capita Rp9.523.752, 2000 (Preliminary figures from BPS jambi. For the year 2005, GDP per capita amounted to Rp8.462.353). The remaining 46.88% of the total workforce of Jambi Province works on agriculture, horticulture and fisheries; 21.58% in trading sector, and 12.58% in the service sector. With the conditions of employment that most people in this province depends on agriculture, plantation so as to make efforts to regional and national governments for the welfare of society is through the development of agriculture sector
The people of Jambi is a heterogeneous society composed of the indigenous people of Jambi, some are immigrants who came from Minangkabau, Batak, Javanese, Sundanese, Chinese and Indians. Most of the people of Jambi converted to Islam at 90%, while the rest are Christians, Hindus and Buddhists.
Level of welfare of the population that is reflected through the Human Development Index (HDI) was recorded at 71.2 (BPS 2005). While the unemployment rate amounted to 92 772 Jambi province, equivalent to 7.8% of the population of Jambi province (data SAKERNAS February).

With the air temperature ranged from 23 ° C to 31 ° C and a total area of 53.435 km2 of approximately 60% of land is an area of plantation and forestry sectors that make this region is one of the producers of primary products and forestry plantations in Sumatra. Oil palm and rubber plantations of prima donna with a plantation area reached 400 168 hectares of oil palm and rubber reached 595 473 hectares. Meanwhile, the value of palm oil production sebesari 898.24 thousand tons per year. Other plantation crops are rubber, with a total production of 240.146 thousand tonnes per year, oil in (virgin coconut), 119.34 thousand tons per year, casiavera 69.65 thousand tons per year, and 5.6 thousand tons of tea per year. While production of the agricultural sector generated by the region of the western part of Jambi province Kerinci rice, potatoes, cauliflower / cabbage, tomato and soybean.
Potential natural wealth in the province of Jambi are crude oil, natural gas, coal, and tin. Total petroleum potential of Jambi province reached 1270.96 million m3 and 3572.44 billion m3 of gas. Region's major oil reserves Acid Recognize the structure, outside the city of Jambi District, District Batanghari with total 408.99 million barrels of oil reserves. While the major gas reserves in the structure Bulian Muara, Muara District Bulian Muara Jambi 2185.73 billion m3 of reserves.
Economic Potential:
1. Petroleum:
Jambi province's oil reserves amounted to 1270.96 million m3. Petroleum reserves, among others, is available at the Cape Regency East Jabung, structure Recognize Acid, Jambi District outside the city, and district Batanghari. 2. Natural Gas:
Jambi gas reserves amounted to 3572.44 billion m3. The reserves are mostly found in the structure of Muara Bulian Bulian Muara District, Muara Jambi 2185.73 billion m3 of reserves. 3. Coal:
Jambi coal reserves amounting to 18 million tonnes, which is a calorie-class coal is suitable for use as power plant. Largest reserves are found in the district of Muara Bungo. 4. Plantation
Very dominant commodities are rubber and oil palm. This program is supported by the Government of Jambi Province derah namely "Development of A Million Hectares for Palm" and "Rubber replanting." In addition, casiavera also many cultivated mainly in the area of Kerinci.

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